CURATEcamp SAA 2013 Discussion Ideas

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Feel free to use this space to share ideas for discussion at CURATEcamp 2013. Request an account at the log in screen.

Topics can include tools, theories, projects, processes, mysteries, conundrums, etc., related to any aspect of digital curation.

Please capture notes here:

Topic you are interested in (Your name): if you'd like, provide a sentence or three about your topic.

  • Curation workflows This was overwhelmingly the most requested topic. This can be general or specific, or both! Specifically, some of you mentioned digital forensics workflows, acquisition workflows, and data curation workflows.
  • Application of best practices and standards Many of you wanted to talk about how institutions stay current with the application of best practices and standards, and how much some repositories might stray from them and why.
  • Collisions in organizational culture This topic centers around the struggle in some organizations when IT and archives departments wrestle with who is responsible for what parts or all of the digital curation workflow.
  • Email preservation I think I just heard a collective groan in the community as I typed that title... meaning we should probably talk about it? Some of you thought so, too.
  • Preservation of business systems Very interesting, but hoping the person who suggested this topic will unpack it a bit for us.
  • How can archivists be directly involved in software/curation services development? This seems to be about how to be involved and have influence in community development of systems and micro-services for digital curation.
  • Digital humanities How do/should the DH influence what archivists do?
  • Emulation, normalization, or both? (Courtney Mumma)
  • Should we be compressing AIPs? (Courtney Mumma): Compressing AIPs saves storage, but brings up issues of sustainability of the system in the worst case scenario (ie if the info about the compression is stored in the AIPs and/or in the management system, but all you have is the AIPs, how do you unpack them in the apocolypse scenario) as well as issues of authenticity.
  • Workarounds (Cristela Garcia-Spitz) Share any workarounds that you've developed (between tools or for different metadata, e.g. EAD to METS/MODS) from the most efficient to the most frustrating.
  • Dirty laundry (Courtney Mumma) What do we do in digital that we would never do in analog?
  • Buried records (Abby Adams) What happens to original born-digital materials within closed collections, particularly those with time seals of 25 years or more? Are dark archives a way to preserve them or are we simply digging them an early grave?
  • Using digital preservation systems to manage large scale A/V collections (Yolanda Bustos) Dealing with the scale of extraordinarily large A/V accessions ->standards for normalization to target formats, using something like Archivematica to manage, best practices for management, providing access to video (including target formats for access beyond youtube, archives & museum software geared towards A/V collections.)
  • Storage (Yolanda Bustos) Back-ups, checksums and reconciling, creative solutions to offsite storage when your institution reveals that they don't have any.
  • Legacy computer media: do we really need to build in-house capacity? (Mx Matienzo)
  • Staffing models and born-digital records: what works/what doesn't? (Mx Matienzo)

CURATEcamp SAA 2013

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