CURATEcamp AVpres 2013

From CURATEcamp
Revision as of 20:07, 6 March 2013 by Steven Villereal (talk | contribs) (What is special about this version of CURATEcamp?)
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  • WHEN: April 19th, 2013 (12pm EST-???)
  • WHERE: The Internet & physical sites including:
      • Bay Area Video Coalition in San Francisco
      • University of Virginia Library in Charlottesville
      • New York City location TBD (METRO? AVPS?)
  • COST: free!

What is CURATEcamp?

For a detailed description, see: The format of a CURATEcamp is informed by the spirit of an unconference, BarCamp, or OpenAgenda meeting. The day's agenda is generated by the attendees of the CURATEcamp, who engage in dialogue together. All attendees are expected to give a demo, present a talk, drive a discussion, or participate in a panel or roundtable.

What is special about this version of CURATEcamp?

We'll be focused on audiovisual materials, specifically digital or digitized collections. A desired result of this camp is that it can generate topics and projects for a hackathon with coder/developer participants in association with this year's AMIA (Association of Moving Image Archivists) conference in Richmond, Virginia in early November. CURATEcamp AVpres will have several physical sites, but we'll virtually convene via Google Hangout for an introductory "keynote" and afternoon breakout sessions.

Any interested group of participants are welcome to convene at a physical site and participate in the CURATEcamp. Each site needs to have a dedicated "mediator" who facilitates group discussion via the Google Hangout and does "tech support" for that site (these can be two different people). Discussions will initially take place locally, but afternoon breakout sessions will enable attendees at disparate sites to virtually assemble and continue conversations.

Who participates? Why would I want to participate?

Audiovisual archivists, archivists, librarians, conservators, or anyone who deals with the preservation and access of digital moving image materials. The initial idea is that the CURATEcamp will allow AV archivists to discuss issues and challenges in digital curation, share use cases, and begin to stitch together existing tools and solutions. Our goal is for CURATEcamp AVpres to articulate needs that can be addressed concretely by coder/developer participation during the hackathon in November in Richmond. There will be "mediators" in the sessions who will navigate questions around digital preservation generally, if that is not your area of expertise.

Technical logistics

All participant sites will need to have a computer equipped with webcam and microphone, which will be used to connect to Google Hangouts—multiple camera and mic-equipped computers are highly encouraged as this will enable participants at a physical site to split up into different breakout sessions.

All our experience at the CURATEcamp will be greatly enhanced if your technical infrastructures is tested beforehand! Please find below some initial recommendations on how best to prepare for the Google Hangout portions of the camp.

Camera & microphone recommendations

Many laptops have built in cameras that will be adequate for videoconferencing, but the quality of microphones varies. Some sort of USB microphone (or even using headphones as a mic) is strongly recommended over a laptop's built-in microphone.

Room size and number of participants will vary at each physical sight, but obviously we want the opportunity for everyone to be visible and capable of being heard. Camera levels and microphone levels should be tested by site organizers beforehand.

Network connectivity

A stable, relatively fast connection is essential for videoconferencing. Depending on your local network options, it may be preferable to use an wired ethernet connection as opposed to a wireless network.

The bandwidth of your connection can be tested using performance tests such as . Google provides some bandwidth recommendations for using Google Hangouts effectively.

What will be format be?

Due to the short duration of the camp (4-5 hours?), and it's remote nature, we will try to organize as much as possible in advance. Proposed topics for discussion will be gathered and documented on the wiki (Please see the details below on how to submit your topic). We will identify topics and group those that are alike. Registered participants will vote on topics. The camp itself will be broken up into sessions. The first session will be a plenary in which everyone participates. For the subsequent sessions, each site will vote on which topic they will address in a session. There may be one or more sub-groups in a site, depending on the size of the group, in which each group discusses a topic. Google Hangouts will be arranged so that sites that are addressing the same topic will be able to talk together. Discussion outcomes will be presented to all participants at the end of each session. More details on the format will be provided closer to the date of the camp.

How can I participate?

Everyone interested in participating in CURATEcamp AVPres should fill out this registration form. The form asks whether you want to volunteer as a host site, find a site, or participate as a "lone arranger". We will contact you to find out more about your physical site, to match you with a site nearby, or to otherwise get you involved.

There is a question in the form that asks what topics you are interested in discussing at the camp. It is important that you be as specific as possible. The more detail the better. We will be documenting the proposed topics on the wiki. Participants will be voting on which topics to discuss in greater detail in advance of the CURATEcamp.